The 13th April saw the opening of Bridport Bowling Club ~ plenty of practice for members with bacon rolls to help with the energy. The first friendly fixture was against Somerton, followed by our first touring side – Liberty of Havering – where Bridport managed to scrape a tiny overall win.
Every Saturday from 10 – 12 has seen an open morning for non-members to come and try their hand. If you haven’t managed to pop in, Saturday 14th is still available and we would love to see you. Our website has a special email contact for new members.
The ladies started their County League on Tuesday 3rd May, away to Dorchester. Just two rinks this season and a close game on both rinks with Ali Tibble’s team drawing and Marion Carter’s losing by just 3 shots.
A friendly against Yeovil resulted in two winning rinks for Bridport and two for Yeovil. Top rink honours go to Bob Seadon, David Alcock and Steve Crimp who won by an amazing 19 shots.
Two teams were out for Bridport on Friday 6th. Bridport A were playing Portland Victoria in the South Dorset League at home. A great result with all 3 rinks winning. The honours go to Chris Thorne, together with Brian Medland, Keith Brooks and Barry Shortland winning by 17 shots. Bridport B were away to Portland Borstal. The rink of Pratt, Bourne, Carter and Smith jumped into an unassailable lead, finishing ten shots ahead. The other two rinks trailing for most of the match had the job of cutting down the loss with Tom Tocher’s crew only losing by a single shot. Steve Bartlett’s team picked up a 4 on the penultimate end helping Bridport to an overall win of 53 shots to 49 and taking six of the possible ten points.
The last friendly of the week was at home against South Petherton. Again two winning rinks and two losing with Bridport winning overall by 3 shots. Top rink on this occasion was Brian Rumble, Jean Seadon and Joan Griffiths.