If you want to contact anyone on this list, please email us and we will forward to the relevant person.
email: info@bridportbowlingclub.org.uk
Club Officers
President: Jill Wilcox
Secretary: Laura Taylor
Treasurer: Steve Crimp
Ladies Captain: Liz Kennedy
Men’s Captain: Neil Kennedy
Fixture Secretary: Mel Griffiths
Ladies Competition Secretary: Cheryl MacKenzie
Mens Competition Secretary: Peter Carnell
Green-keeper: Brian Rumble
Bar Manager: Bob Willcox
Social Secretary: Di Shatford-Butcher
Short Mat Chairman: Steve Crimp
Catering Manager: Fran Morgan
Maintenance Officer: Ben Jones
Safeguarding Officer: Chris Thorne
Ladies Committee
Captain: Liz Kennedy
Vice Captain: Ali Tibble
Secretary: Laura Taylor
Competitions Secretary: Cheryl MacKenzie
Additional Members: Lyn Craddock, Margaret Strange and Jean Seadon
Men’s Committee
Captain: Neil Kennedy
Secretary: Bob Taylor
Competitions Secretary: Peter Carnell
Additional Members: Keith Bourne, Clive Langdon, Ben Jones
Web Site Adminstrator
Graham Tree bridportbowlingclub@gmail.com