Bridport were away to Portland Victoria for a rearranged game on Monday. No sooner had they started when the thunderstorm hit. All players were totally soaked before they could get under cover and the game was abandoned.
Better luck with the weather on Tuesday when Bridport entertained a touring side from Beech Hill in Bedfordshire. Although very breezy the rains held off and the game was played with three winning and three losing rinks. What a friendly lot we are at Bridport! Well done to Brian Pratt, Keith Bourne, Neil Kennedy and Brian Rumble.
The last touring side of the season on Friday – Grange Bowling Club. Bridport needed to find 6 rinks of players which was difficult due to illness and the finals weekend looming. Grange kindly filled in the gaps and a great afternoon was had by all the players who also managed to avoid the worst of the rain. Three winning and three losing rinks which seems to be the norm. Grange BC did get the overall shots which seems fair as they furnished us with 5 players. Well done to Mike Craddock, Dave Robinson (Grange) John Carter and Mel Griffiths.
The game was followed by a jolly old sing-song first by the Grange Singers accompanied by their ukulele, then by the Bridport men’s choir led by Steve Bartlett.