Quiz Night 9th December

The Quiz on Saturday was a great success in more ways than one.  At the end of the Quiz I asked permission for us to donate the profit of £146 to the Crisis At Christmas charity, which many of you will have seen advertised on TV.  I’m happy to say, although not surprised, that everyone was in agreement, and so as you can see attached on behalf of the club we have made a donation which will make a difference to five people this Christmas and beyond.  I have to offer special thanks to the winning team of Brian and Debbie Medland, Mike Edwards and new members Bruce and Janet Lack who before the announcement was made had offered back their winning cash prize for club funds, and who, after I explained what I wanted to do, were still adamant that their winnings should be added to the takings on the night which enabled us to increase the amount to be able to assist five needy recipients, so a massive thank you to them for their kindness.  We were also able to bank £212 bar takings for the evening.

Everyone’s generosity in agreeing to the donation I have to say is in keeping with the ethos of our club being that of both a welcoming and benevolent one.  To everyone involved, your donation will help fund Crisis at Christmas and their year-round work with people experiencing homelessness.  Providing,

Help with a safe place to stay

Hot meals and a Christmas dinner

Access to health and wellbeing programmes

Support to leave homelessness behind for good.

So when you are tucking into your Christmas dinner feel content that you have played your part in allowing someone else to share that same experience and more.

Thank you all, and have a very, very Happy Christmas.

Neil & Liz